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25 year old female with young onset hypertension.

 25year old female wit I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of patient clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan

Chief complaints:

History of presenting illness:

No H/O chest pain palpitations shortness of breath 

No H/O of pedal edema 

NoH/O decreased urinary output

No H/O seizures 

No H/O headache blurring of vision 

Past history:

Diagnosed with hypertension during  first pregnancy: intrauterine death at 6th month 

She had hyperemesis during first pregnancy in the first trimester 

Second pregnancy: baby delivered at 8 th month  normal vaginal delivery and died with in one day 

Not a known case of diabetes Mellitus, TB, asthma, thyroid disorders , epilepsy

No past surgical history

No blood transfusions done 

Menstrual history:

Age of menarche: 13 years 

28 day cycle regular bleeds for 3 days 

Associated with back ache 

Not associated with clots 

Marital history:

Married in 2020 non consanguineous 

Personal history:

Occupation : house wife

Diet mixed

Appetite normal

Sleep adequate 

Bowel and  bladder: regular

No addictions 

Family history:

Not significant 

General examination:

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 

well oriented to time place and person  moderately built and nourished.

Height :161cm 



No pallor 




      generalised lymphadenopathy


Vitals :-

         pulse rate:90bpm

          BP:170/100 mmHg

          Respiratory rate:22cpm

          Temperature: afebrile 

          SpO2: 98%

GRBS 164 mg%

Systemic examination:


Auscultation:S1 S2 sounds heard 

no murmurs and 

no added sounds

Abdominal examination:


Shape scaphoid 

Umbilicus inverted 

No visible gastric peristalsis

Hernial orifices free


 soft ,non tender ,no organomegaly 

Bowel sounds heard on auscultation 

Respiratory system :


 trachea central in position

Chest movements symmetrical 


 BLAE present 

 NVBS heard


Provisional diagnosis:
Young onset hypertension


1)tab.AMLONG 5mg PO/OD


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